Machu Pichu, Peru
Machu Pichu (Big Mountain in the Inca language).
Where to begin...? Magical, mysterious, immense... far more incredible than I had ever dreamed of!

After wandering for several hours we climbed for 45 minutes up the almost vertical trail to the top of Waynapichu (small mountain). Here we were rewarded with a breath taking view of the entire city of Machu Pichu. Up here in the cliffs were built more Inca structures, passage ways and tunnels.
I stayed in the city for almost nine hours, long after most of our group of 11 had returned to Aguas Calientes. As time ran out, myself and my Irish compainon Kevin, ran down the steep stepped trail back to town to catch the train back to Cusco leaving behind us an amazing magical day.
Your pictures are getting better and better, and I'm getting more and more jealous. Do you realize that you were in Machu Pichu for MY birthday? Why wasn't I invited???
Beautiful pictures, El! I'm so jealous. Looks like you're having an amazing time.
Your photos are so vivid and crisp. Are you taking them all with the little camera you bought just befor you left? The one of La Paz from your hostel looks like a famous painting.
Big Al
Yeah, I'm using my trusty little Fujipix F20. It's a beauty!
No news for a while. Are you guys back in Canada yet? I hope everything is well!
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